Polar Revival: the trendy winter look

There is a revival of polar clothing. In winter 2022 we began to incorporate these garments, with this fabric, and this year we bet again. It is having much more acceptance, in fact, if I speak to you in a particular way, I wear an oversize fleece that I almost never take off ”, he explains Martin Maninipartner and manager of the clothing brand luxury.

Originally, this classic synthetic thermal insulation fabric was developed by Malden Millscurrent Polartec (former PET), as a substitute for wool. According to experts, this non-biodegradable synthetic fabric can be made from both recycled plastic packaging, which is why it is sometimes considered an ecological alternative to wool. However, the most massive production is with oil.

fleece fabric

The garments made with this fabric are determined by the different thickness grammages: micro, 100, 200 and 300 (which is the thickest and least flexible). The most notable advantages of the fabric is its softness and comfort to wear, plus it is very warm without being too heavy.

The fleece as a fashion icon

“It is a very good hand fabric. It has no bilge, nor any behavior that is bad for production. On the contrary, it is easy to produce. It is very warm and it is not thick, so the user is comfortable. If you want to incorporate a weakness, it is that people associate it with something old, we are still finding a way around that”, Manini details.

The fleece as a fashion icon

One of the most notable advantages of the fabric is its cleanliness. It can be machine washed and dries quickly. Some specific instructions include the use of water at temperatures not higher than 30 °C – 40 °C, and ironing is not allowed. In addition to drying very quickly, it also retains much of its insulating capacity, even when wet, due to its hydrophobic properties.

Polar Revival: the trendy winter look

being of a hydrophobic material, simultaneously allows breathing. Because of this, water vapor from perspiration passes through and little is retained in the fabric. This makes it a good choice for physical and sports activities. On the other hand, it is considered a good alternative for those with an allergy or sensitivity to wool.

The fleece as a fashion icon

“The designs in polar were adapted to the new that is being used. A lot oversized. Polar divers began to be seen, a fabric known from before, but with another type of bite that was not seen. Also in other products such as the typical jean-type jackets with buttons, adapted in a fleece fabric. Not only did the fabric begin to be seen, but it began to be seen in designs other than the vest that was used before”, concludes the head of the Luxo brand.

by RN

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