Polar bears win 3-1 at Ingolstadt

The 2:0 for the polar bears by Maximilian Heim (r.)

The 2:0 for the polar bears by Maximilian Heim (r.) Photo: picture alliance / Eibner-Presse

From BZ/dpa and Jörg Lubrich

Hats off, polar bears! The Berliners clean Ingolstadt away 3:1.

In the fourth game in just six days, the Berliners show their best performance of the season. The third victory for the master.

Especially the young players with very good performance. Eighteen-year-old Maximilian Heim forms a strong storm with Manuel Wiederer and Bennet Roßmy. Heim scored his first goal in his DEL debut (23rd).

The other hits: Clark (21st) and Wiederer. Flaake hits late for Ingolstadt (58th). Manuel Wiederer: “We played very intelligently.”


