Polar bear captain Hördler hopes for a successful anniversary game

From BZ/dpa

Despite the sporting crisis, the capitals have a day to celebrate: Club icon Hördler can play his 1000th DEL game on Sunday. That should also bring a positive impulse in the relegation battle.

Frank Hördler is facing another milestone in his impressive career. If nothing unexpected happens in the home game against Fischtown Pinguins Bremerhaven on Friday evening (7.30 p.m., live on Magentasport), the 37-year-old captain of Eisbären Berlin will play his 1000th game in the German Ice Hockey League (DEL) against ERC Ingolstadt on Sunday .

“The anticipation is definitely there, but the focus at the moment is on Friday,” said Hördler on Thursday with a view to his anniversary. “And that helps me. I’m quite happy about it, otherwise I might even be nervous.”

In view of the currently bleak sporting situation at the German champions, who after the last three defeats have slipped to relegation place 14 in the DEL, the veteran hopes that his day of celebration can also give the entire team a positive impulse: “It would be gigantic if that now would help to loosen up and cool down. Then I’ll be doubly happy,” said Hördler.

Coach Serge Aubin also paid tribute to Hördler’s anniversary. “It’s a great moment. We are talking about many years and a lot of use. Frank is the only player who has won nine championships in the DEL and they are well deserved,” said the Canadian. “Obviously the best way to celebrate this achievement would be a good afternoon on the ice. That would be a perfect ending.”

Another Eisbären professional is also facing a special weekend: attacker Lewis Zerter-Gossage is likely to celebrate his DEL debut on Friday. The 27-year-old German-Canadian, who was signed in mid-October, was recently able to train fully with the team after recovering from his injury. “It looks like he’s going to play,” said Coach Aubin.
