Poland wants to implement strict abortion rules: parliament laat morning-afterpil toe zonder vorschrift | Buitenland

The wet may now be long from the Senate pass and the handwriting of the conservative president Andrzej Duda will be sent, the vote will be given on Thursday to the parliamentary committee. 196 other parliaments leden standden tegen. The competition must be made according to the regulations for 15 years.

This year the first minister also served as a design in the abortion ceremony. If the strict abortuswet vanaf 2021 is a forced schapsonderbreking niet meer toegelaten als de fetus serious misvormingen heeft en mag abortus enkel na verkrachting of incest, of wanneer het leven van de mother in gevaar is.

The large swimming pool abortuswetgeving is currently one of the strictest in Europe. The new prime minister, Donald Tusk, has announced that his campaign will have less stringent abortion rules and will only be published here.
