Pol 3.14 talks about his projects and his relationship with ‘La casa de papel’

With more than a decade of experience behind him, Pol 3.14 It is clear to him: his greatest dream is to end up writing books in front of the sea. Until then he will continue to fill rooms with his music, as happened this weekend at the first edition of Nevalia. The singer and composer was one of the protagonists of the Ron Barceló musical event, one of the stops on the tour that will take him through cities such as Valladolid, Salamanca, Madrid or Tenerife.

In an interview with YOTELE, the author of songs like ‘Young Forever’ takes stock of his career and remembers his link with ‘La casa de papel’. Those who have seen the final episode of the Netflix series will have heard ‘No time’, a song composed and performed by himself.

How are you taking the return to the stage?

We come from a difficult streak for musicians and it seems that these concerts are almost normal, so I am excited and grateful. It was very nice to see the public delivered. We come from playing in Valencia and Barcelona and they have responded very well. I am very happy, it is a new opportunity.

What are your next steps going to be? Will we hear a record soon?

At the moment we are working with singles, including the song I recently released for ‘La casa de papel’. Two months from now I’ll release another little thing, we’ll go single by single.

Do you like to talk about your own experiences when you compose?

My life is not that interesting to have so much material (laughs). You have to have a little imagination. I read a lot and I am working with language and stories. In the end you always add a bit of your experience, but depending on the mood I do a bit of everything.

Where does your passion for music come from? When did you realize that you wanted to dedicate yourself to this?

When he was little, Antonio Vega released ‘No me iré Mañana’, his first solo album. I saw a program on Telemadrid and they were just interviewing him with his acoustic guitar. That’s when I started to notice and wonder who that man was, because I wasn’t supposed to meet Nacha Pop because of my age. I freaked out a lot and as a result of that I asked my father to get me a guitar. He got me one from his job and my upstairs neighbor had a stereo. That’s where I started, but not constantly or professionally. After many years I didn’t know what to do with my life, I picked up the guitar and started playing at the Owl Real. I immediately had an opportunity. Since I was little, with my parents, I received something that I was unconsciously carrying out.

What would have been your dream job if the music thing hadn’t worked out? You were going to be a journalist…

I would have liked to be a professional surfer (laughs) but I started late. I really like writing and I recently published my first novel. I would have liked to be a writer, which is not at odds with journalism. I’m on it.

Will there be a third book?

Yes, it is running. I can’t stop writing, but it requires maximum concentration. I have a lot of respect for people who write novels for how they weave all the plots together. I have something started, I have a part of the new novel and I would like to publish it within a year. I really like reading. I am always reading a book that makes me think and another with history, I am combining them.

Some of your songs, like ‘Young eternally’, continue to be very present over the years. What does that mean for you?

It means that, in the end, my work has a certain impact. Without having had the support of the media that other groups have had, I am quite proud that songs like ‘Young eternally’ endure over time and have been passed down from generation to generation. It has almost become an anthem. Sometimes I get videos of people coming home in curious states (laughs) singing the song, there are clubs that close with it. For me it’s doubly nutritious, first because it hasn’t made much noise, and second because it has reached many people.

Success is always very subjective. What it is for you?

For me, success is being calm, coming home, lying on the sofa and hugging the person you love. That to me is absolute success. And if it is in front of the sea, better than better. I don’t need big things like winning a Grammy, it’s not on my roadmap. I am happy living from this and having a nice life.

You ended 2021 putting a soundtrack at the end of ‘La casa de papel’ with the song ‘No time’. How was the experience?

It was an incredible experience. I do not remember a Spanish series so mediatic and with such a beast brand image all over the world. When I was given the opportunity and they told me they wanted to listen to me, I showed them a sketch that suited them. They asked me for the lyrics in English and I started working on it, I think it will go down in history.

You have worked quite a bit with Álex Pina (creator of ‘La casa de papel’), who has several projects underway. Are you still in contact for any other collaboration that may arise?

We have worked together and it is clear that I accompany him on his way. Sometimes we get off the hook, but a certain relationship unites us. It’s possible, the statistics show it (laughs) but I can’t say yes or no. Right now he is the man of the moment in fiction in this country, I would like to repeat it and I think he would not mind because he trusts me. He asks me for things and I adapt well to what he needs.

Are you very serial? What other series would you have liked to put music to?

I’m super serious! And I have been a great movie buff, but it is true that the series have eaten a little of everything. I really enjoy a good series. I really liked ‘Ozark’ and I also just saw ‘Cheyenne and Lola’. I have a good time and they relax me. I think it is very necessary in these difficult times. I was also blown away by ‘Game of Thrones’ and I can’t forget ‘The young pope’. One of my favorite movies is ‘The Great Beauty’, Paolo Sorrentino makes you enjoy with his messages and also visually and musically.

What would you say has been the most special moment in your more than ten years of career?

I’m not going to go very far, it’s nothing stratospheric. Last Friday, after coming back from some difficult moments, we had an almost normal concert and I enjoyed it like I had years ago.

Any dream to fulfill?

My dream is to end up writing books in front of the sea and with someone who can put up with me (laughs).

Which artists would you like to collaborate with?

I really like Ana Mena and also Lali Espósito, it would be nice to work with them.

Do you see yourself participating in a competition like the Benidorm Fest?

I can’t stand so much pressure, I’m not so mediatic. I get nervous and I couldn’t do it. Having so many people watching me at the same time from their homes, in a contest with an audience… I’m not much of that, I think I don’t have that profile. I go a little further in the shade.

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Do you think you would not take so much public exposure well?

I wouldn’t take it well at all. So much pressure doesn’t go with me, I’m not very into contests. I respect him, of course, and each one has every right to expose himself and do with his life what he wants. This is super complicated and those catapults are very beasts.
