Poisonous for dogs and cats. Dangerous substances, plants, spices

THEManagement of poisonous substances for dogs or cats, gastric torsion, parvo, castration and caesarean sections: the life of a veterinarianas he tells it Valentina Chiapatti in her Veterinary friend, stories of patients with tails (DeAgostini) it has nothing to envy, in terms of adrenaline rushes, to an episode of ER or Grey’s Anatomy. But if the passion for her work is evident on every page (because Valentina does not “do” the veterinary, “she is” a veterinary), the book is also an instructive reading. Like, after all, the blog Veterinary friendwhich Valentina manages: clear and serious information for the use of owners of dogs and cats.

The 5 tips for a cat-friendly home

The advice of the veterinary friend

The various chapters of the book are therefore stories of experiences in the field and in the very first person with sore or stressed, bleeding or simply very aggressive dogs and cats. At the end of each chapter, however, there is a “disclosure break”. For example, about poisonings.

A veterinarian’s day can thus begin with the «hope that some urgency will arrive. Maybe surgical. My absolute favorites were, in order: cesarean section, gastric torsion, intestinal foreign body. I know, talking about surgical preferences will seem strange to you, but it is not cynicism, I swear to you ». But “my desire to intubate a life-threatening animal was extremely frustrated.” Until she runs into a chocolate Labrador (“my favorite”) in the emergency room, she seizes.

It will turn out that it was poisoned with metaldehyde, snail killer with an appetizing taste (for snails as for dogs). We leave the story, adrenaline-pumping, to the pages of the book, to “steal” some information on the most common poisons. Because if poisoning in dogs and cats can be malicious (for example, caused by poisoned meatballs), more often it is accidental and occurs in places that we consider safe for our pets.

What is poisonous to cats and dogs?

In the home we use different poisons without evaluating the risks for dogs and cats. As the metaldehyde, a snail killer that attracts cats and dogs because it is sweet. Warning: snails killed by this substance are also poisonous to dogs. Rat poison (rodenticides with anticoagulant action): dogs and cats can ingest it either directly or by eating poisoned mice. Ethylene glycol (machine antifreeze): palatable because it is sweet. Small quantities are enough to be lethal.

They are poisonous, of course, too solvents and cleaning productssuch as detergents and detergents: may contain ammonia, bleach, acids, disinfectants or other toxic substances, the effects of which range from skin irritation to more severe symptoms, such as internal acid burns to pulmonary edema.

Toxic and poisonous substances in the kitchen

But there are also several substances, totally harmless for us, dangerous for them. Like the alcoholic. Even if with low alcohol content, like the beer, should be avoided because animals do not have the enzymes to metabolize them and risk having convulsions, breathing difficulties, fainting and death. Moreover, for dogs and cats also the hop of beer can cause convulsions and death.

Even the dark chocolate should be avoided: it contains theobromine, an alkaloid that dogs cannot metabolize and that causes central nervous system disorders. The toxic dose of theobromine is 100-150 milligrams per pound of weight, which means that already 70 grams of dark chocolate could be lethal for a 10-pound dog. The milk one? It is much more harmless than dark chocolate. Idem tea and coffee: theine and caffeine have a similar effect to the theobromine in chocolate.

Onion, grapes and spices: poisonous for cats and dogs?

Onion, garlic and leek they contain thiosulfate and damage red blood cells even in low doses. Garlic is often used because it is believed to have an anti-parasitic and vermifuge effect. It is actually easier to cross over into overdose (15-30 grams of garlic per kilo of weight) than to get the result. Better to avoid it.

Grapes and raisins they can cause kidney failure and liver damage. The lowest toxic dose that has been reported is 20 grams of grapes (about 4 grapes) per kilo of weight. While for raisins the lowest poisonous dose in confirmed cases is 3 grams (about 6 raisins) per kilo of weight. Xylitol: Like other sweeteners, it can cause hypo by causing blood sugar levels to drop too low.

The spices they can have heavy effects in animals: nutmeg stimulates the central nervous system (hallucinations, convulsions, coma), turmeric is anticoagulant.

Pesticides and poisonous medicines for dogs and cats

Medicines: human drugs such as aspirin, paracetamol, antidepressants and antihypertensives are harmful, but overdoses of drugs prescribed to the animal can also be dangerous.

Beware of pesticides: Permethrin and other pyrethrins, contained in many dog ​​fleas, are potentially lethal for cats, with symptoms such as excessive salivation, tremor, lack of coordination, respiratory disorders, convulsions. You don’t need to ingest them, just contact is enough for the poison to take effect.

Tobacco: one to five cigarettes are enough for nicotine poisoning. Marijuana also gives neurological and gastrointestinal symptoms but reversible.

Poisonous ornamental plants for cats and dogs

Ornamental or wild plants such as Poinsettia, mistletoe, holly, cicas, oleander, lily of the valley, foxglove, narcissus, walnut husk they are toxic, with different mechanisms and effects.

What to do in case of poisoning?

In the dog, before symptoms arise, at most half an hour after ingestion, useful make him vomit. How? Among the remedies for poisoning, the technique that works best is to have it ingested hydrogen peroxide. Open his mouth and pour it from the bottle onto his tongue. In a small dog you can start with a spoon, in a medium dog 3-4 tablespoons, up to half a glass in a large dog. After he has finished vomiting, the dog must still be taken to the vet who will evaluate what to do. He will certainly prescribe gastroprotective therapy, because the hydrogen peroxide will have caused some stomach irritation.

Wrong Flea? Wash with soap-free water

In the cat, it is better not to try. Hydrogen peroxide is potentially more dangerous. Ditto the coarse salt, which some recommend. Better to run to the vet for a gastric lavage. In the case of poisoning from contact for wrong fleas: wash it abundantly with water without soap, which increases skin penetration.

Cool the dog with water and ice

If you do not notice the ingestion but you notice tremors, labored breathing and spasms, you must go to the vet. During the journey in the car it is essential to cool the dog with water, ice and alcohol all over the body. “Often these dogs arrive in the emergency room in the throes of convulsions and with sedatives we can immediately stop them, intubate them, give them oxygen and proceed with a gastric lavage”, explains Valentina Chiappati. “After a few days of sedation and monitoring, the toxic is eliminated from the body and the animals slowly recover, but the hyperthermia they may have developed during the seizures may have damaged various organs. Cooling an animal in convulsion it’s the only thing you owners can do in the meantime to make yourself useful! “

