Pogba, photos in the snow infuriate Juventus fans

The French midfielder has posted photos of his days spent in the mountains on social media. The fans didn’t take it well…

Paul Pogba has yet to make his encore debut at Juve: he’s been back racing just a few days ago, but his return to the pitch is not yet imminent. For this reason, many fans did not take well the latest photos published by the footballer on his social channels while he was in the snow in the mountains during the holidays, with the risk – according to the comments – of getting hurt and extending the stop. Last summer he was greeted with enthusiasm, then the French stopped during his tour of the United States and showed little attention in the search for an immediate solution. Opting initially for a conservative therapy, in fact, he ended up lengthening his recovery times from the injury, then having to operate urgently to resolve the lesion to the lateral meniscus.

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The fury of the fans under the footballer’s post on Instagram: from “go train, your patience is running out” to “please get hurt again” to “when will you stop stealing your salary?”. Pogba is actually Juve’s highest paid footballer. Last summer he and Di Maria were identified as the main reference points for young players. But the Frenchman never made himself available to Allegri and will find the team again in the Europa League, after the disappointing elimination from the Champions League. Paul has his sights set on returning to the field between the two matches against Monza, the one in the Coppa Italia on 19 January and the one on the 29th in the league. He aims to be in top condition for the double Europa League match against Nantes, scheduled for February.
