Pogba at fantasy football: role, how much it costs and why to take him to the fantasy football championship

The return to Juventus is full of expectations: in Serie A, the Octopus has shown that he is an out of class midfielder

The summer of great returns. After Romelu Lukaku at Inter, here is Paul Pogba at Juventus. The French midfielder is a candidate as one of the reference players in view of the next auction.


Released from Manchester United, Pogba gets back into the game at Juventus, a team in which he had already been fundamental in the 2012-2016 four-year period. In the Fantacampionato it is listed midfielderwith a quotation equal to 53 credits: an evaluation lower only than that of Milinkovic-Savic. Pogba will be an almost certain owner and can be used as a point guard or as a midfielder with an insertion license.


The adventure-bis at Manchester United was not the best: after the exploit of 2018/2019 (13 goals scored in the league), the contribution of Pogba has been waning, between dull performances, many injuries and a reduced playing time. In the last two years, in particular, he has played little. However, a certain frequency of the bonus has never been lacking: 29 goals scored, 41 assists provided to teammates in the 6 years in the Premier League. From a disciplinary point of view, Pogba is not an exaggeratedly foul player: except for some peaks, reached with Juventus (10 yellow cards in a single tournament) he took home a few yellow cards (29 overall in the Premier in the Red Devils experience). He is not a specialist in penalty kicks: in his career he has shot 18, scoring 13. In Serie A he has 50% of goals from eleven meters. But, most likely, he will be behind in the hierarchy with Vlahovic.


In Italy Pogba proved to be an ‘out of class’ footballer: a midfielder, overall, with 28 goals in four seasons (7 in the league) with an enviable consistency. He will play an important role in Allegri’s Juventus and will try to relaunch himself after unhappy seasons.


Compared to his first experience in Italy, Pogba has had quite a few physical problems in the Premier League. Overall he has missed 89 games in 6 seasons in England.
