Poetin zou in stilte aangeven open te staan ​​voor gesprekken over staakt-het-vuren in Oekraïne | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

The Russian President Vladimir Poetin wrote via diplomacy channels late in the news that he was ready to speak about a staakt-het-vuren in zijn bijna two years durende oorlog tegen Oekraïne, the writing of the Amerikaanse krant ‘The New York Times’.


Latest update:
24-12-23, 7:34 p.m

The New York Times, The Moscow Times

It was at least September “the poet wrote about the open state for a staakt-het-vuren dat de gevechten longs de huidige lijnen bevriest,” writes ‘The New York Times’.

The krant cites two former high Russian functionaries close to the Kremlin and American and international functionaries who are de boodschap van de gezanten van Poetin hebben ontvangen. Volgens Hen Ziet Poetin Een Samenloop van Factors the a moment creëren voor een overeekomst: Een sagveld dat in a impasses lijkt te zijn geraakt, de gevolgen van het teleurstreizing offief in oekraïne, also stun in het western are October de afleiding van de oorlog in Gaza.

This is a poet based on American functionaries in the year before 2022, and signals have been raised for a staakt-het-vuren. The silent opening, which has not yet been communicated to the public, was not published in the Russian language in the North East of the country. “Poetin gaf toen aan dat hij tevreden was met the veroverde Russian ground area and clearly was for a wapenstilstand”, aldus de Amerikaanse functionarissen.

De krant noemde poetin’s interest in a staakt-het-vuren “een voorbeeld van hoe opportunisme en improvisatie zijn benadering van de oorlog Achter gesloten deuren hebben bepaald”. After interviews with Russians who have known the president for a long time and with international officials who have taken part in the internal work of the Kremlin, the New York Times poet described it as “unfortunately the manoeuvreert om risico’s te beperken en zijn options open te houden”.

Wel zou poetin volgens de former Russian functionarissen van geden can change as the Russian troepen weer momentum krijgen on the slagveld.

There is now a small opening that is in a small position, which is also attached to the Oekraïense President Zelensky. He had been forced to trade with Russia in the meantime as a poet in power. The American government of Biden will be in November 2022, unfortunately, the Oekraïne will be brought to the attention of the country in order to open up for foreign trade with Russia, the previous month of Zelensky that has not yet been reported as dead in Russia dry

“Hij zal zich geen meter terugtrekken”

Poet in February 2022 Tropical Oekraïne within the aanvankelijke doel om de hoofdstad Kiev in te nemen en een change in the unfortunately schap after te dwingen, an operation the volgens hem bad grandchildren dagen in beslag zou nemen. Strategic goals in the vast defense of the Oekraïne dwongen the Kremlin was invaded by the Schroeven.

Russia is now annexed to the Oekraïense region’s Kherson, Zaporizhia, Donetsk, Loehansk, so there is no full control over these areas. The first time there was a light in the Russian presidents’ quarters and were also sent to the four regions. De omstreden aankondiging stoot op hevig verzet van Oekraïne.

Volgens de Russian functionarissen is poetin “really ready to stop in the big positions”, as het tot a staakt-het-vuren comes, in this case “zich geen meter terugtrekken”.

KIJK. Begin December as a poet and she was never interested in what was in vrede met Oekraïne

KIJK. Poet is different from the West: “Plannen om Rusland nederlaag toe te serving zijn mislukt”

KIJK. Poet on the annual TV marathon: “One thing never changed”
