‘Poetin moet been heard. Diplomacy betekent also luisteren’

Wereldwijd great de bezorgdheid dat ons een years long, mere strijd te guarded state. What else can we do about the conflict in Oekraïne zo snel mogelijk te stop? Anastasia Arnhold (22, culturele studies, KU Leuven) and Ghazi Abbas Chaudhry (21, politicologie, Young Europese Federalists Leuven) geven hun ongezouten mening.

Maarten Rabay1 may 20222:30 p.m


“Poetin never stop. The conflict was not unique to the area where the sea heft or log te voeren of Oekraïne de Russen militair verslaat.

“The some other way is the Russian economy zodanig in the problems come the poet afgeleid wordt van de oorlog zelf. Maar dan moeten our sanctions differently in better. In Russia there has now been a complaint that de huidige sancties, such as de sluiting van de Winkelketens, de verkeerde people meet: de werne werknemers. Dit verzwakt Poetins slagkracht veel te traag. So we can nog jaren doorgaan.

“He would like to be taken into account in the energy sector. I’ve been living in Russia for a year and I’ve lived in Russia for a long time. The income generated by the grandchildren’s regime and when they are raised is higher than that. Avenues as per the sector sanctioneert, meets per de power hebbers. Daarom ben ik boos op het Belgian initiatief ikhebimpact.be (met tips van de overheid om energie te save, red.). Ik vind het hypocriet omdat je de verantwoordelijkheid shifted. Je kan dit not verkopen sof je iets doet.

“What we can do better, is what Russia wants to do. He heerst censuur in Russia, maar ze kunnen (connect via VPN, red.) wel nog aan information from built-up raken. A number of cranes from Buurlanden will be published in articles that are now available in Russian. That’s a good idea.

“The problem is that the mensen die deze vrije media gaan lezen juist de mensen zullen zijn die al twijfels hadden. The middle of the tv kijker should not be done. The only way to do this is to hack the Ostankino televisietoren in Moscow and then use it. Missed an idea.

“We would also like to do more about the repression of the media against the kaak te posts. One of the most important nieuwsbronnen in Russia is now a student website, DOXA. The students have been followed, krijgen huisarrest, maar gaan desondanks door met hun work. Zij deserve our steun.”


‘De huidige sancties zijn peanuts. The EU must now have real harde sancties. Een olie- en gasembargo zou ideal zijn. I know that we can’t completely overshackle the term. Toch kan de EU dit faciliteren door met vereende Krachten you should worry that we less oil in gas uit Russia nodig hebben. You can do this tijdelijk oplossen by import van Elders, but we would like to change that in spaningen leveren om ones consumption patroon te.

“As a pro-Europese junior organisation, we also believe that the EU actiever must both come in the onderhandelingsproces. Deze orlog wordt aan Ze Voordeur uitgevochten. The sancties should be raised as a doel from Russia on the special trading table. The common voices of Oekraïne in Russia are very small. That’s a little nut. The EU zou geprekken van hoog level can organize. As it is known that the Poetin ergens op neutraal gebied must come bemiddelen, that is a frozen thing that we could not possibly do. Hij moet been gehoord. Diplomacy betekent also luisteren. When men don’t do it, men don’t do it with diplomacy.

“Een militaire intervention heeft nog nooit iets decided. Kijk naar de divorced van het Midden-Oosten en Azië. An intervention by the VN-Blauwhelmen is due to the seriousness of the situation, which can result in an opt-out, but may not be the case for more grandchildren on the other trade. Since then, he would now like to have a new seed factory for all of the EU and the United Nations, while Russia also has the right to do so.

“De EU zich also harder can spread om Russiantalige informatienetwerken te promote. We would like to do more work if the Russians are aware of what is at hand. This is geen wone oorlog meer, he has been oorlogsmisdaden gepleegd. The Russian population can not be eighth. When he was correctly informed, he came to protest, and the poet didn’t seem to want to act sooner.
