Poetin gives a free gift to Rus who ex met 111 messteken om het leven brought, mom van slachtoffer responds verbijsterd: “Do you really think that this has changed?” | Buitenland

The Russian president Vladimir Poetin has given a free gift to the world in a sadistic manner with 111 messages from his life. Vladislav Kanyus brought zes maanden door to the front in Oekraïne, as ‘thanks for his services’ comes now on vrije voeten. The mother of the slachtoffer responds verbally. “Do you really think that this has changed? “Naturally, there is nothing that can be said about other people in the world,” says Oksana (49).

Kanyu’s maakt van de moord op zijn ex een heuse lijdensweg. Vera Pekhteleva (23) will be married for four years and will have a lot of hair and a lot of mess toe. Uiteindelijk wurgde his hair with the snoer of a strijkijzer. The stop goods were doorgeslagen omdat de jongedame de relation had broken and hair was allowed to be pulled back.

Kanyus will be veroordeeld dead zeventien jaar cel, maar daar kwam bijna niets van in huis. Het leger bood hem – now he has a few years to go – a handy way.

Politie dead zeven keer toe verwittigd

The zaak zorgde voor heel wat commotie in Russia omdat buren haar hoorden schreeuwen en tot zeven keer toe de politie verwittigden. Toch slaagden agents he never in om hair tijdig te redden.

Oksana snaps never from the beslissing om wrede sadists zomaar a ticket directed to vrijheid te gift. “Then you have just got a coat of arms in your hand too. What word was there on the front line of Russia that defended itself? Hij is puur uitschot, niet eens en mens dus.”

“I don’t have any problems”

The woman has a hair vizier and is specifically a poet. “Do you really think that this has changed? Naturally not. There are a few things that we want to come. Now it’s true, it can be rusty and ruined.”

“The poet’s decree is free to let you know what a hard slap in my face is. En intussen red my child away in hair graf. I know everything. I don’t have any sea, I don’t have grandchildren yet. Normaal ben ik a heel sterk no one, maar die strafeloosheid maakt me radeloos. Kanyus can now uit wraak zelfs mij comen moorden.”

Human rights activist Alyona Popova roept de Russian population op om in zet te comen. “Blijf niet stil, schreeuw zo luid than ever kan. Differently we want to see that we want to moordenars on straat rondlopen.”
