Podger and Glynn: This is Beethoven at the top of the game, without lashings or occasional effect | review

That point of view has now been turned 180 degrees and these sonatas belong to the pinnacle of chamber music. That is why it is teeming with recordings of this. Is the release of three of them on Channel Classics necessary? Absolute! The combination of violinist Rachel Podger on her Maurin-Stradivarius and pianist Christopher Glynn playing an Erard from 1840 is very special. The combination of the silver sound of the violin with the round, gentle in the sound of the piano alone is beautiful and has allowed the recording engineers to create an intimate atmosphere. Take the mild middle part of the controlled Fruhling Sonata , as if both musicians are in the living room. This is Beethoven at the highest level, without any fierce outbursts or incidental pursuit of effect.
