Podemos: “We must begin to expropriate those who speculate with housing”

11/02/2022 at 20:03


The party insists on the need to increase the public housing stock

“It is already time for this country to start expropriating those who take advantage of the enormous number of empty flats to speculate on the living place“. The deputy of Podemos in the Balearic Parliament Paul Jimenez has argued that housing policies should be focused on increasing the public housing stock through the expropriation of large holders. In addition, he has expressed the need to approve “as soon as possible” the Housing Law that is still stuck in Congress.

Likewise, he has affirmed that “in the reduction of taxes for those who have the most, they will never find us” because, as he has defended, paying taxes, especially those who have the most, is a “guarantee” of public services: “Regarding the tax breaks, this is something that is already being considered in the future state Housing law. You will have deductions of up to 90% for owners if they lower the rental pricer with respect to the previous contract”.

Finally, he declared that his party does not share the decision to give public money for the purchase of homes“directly or indirectly”, and bet that everything the available budget “it should be dedicated to increasing the public housing stock”.
