Podemos and the partners of the Government promote an investigation commission on the “parapolice plot” of the State after Pegasus

05/12/2022 at 09:46


United We Can and government partners coalition have registered a petition to create a commission of inquiry Congress on the “possible existence of any parapolice plot outside the legislation and democratic control within State institutions”. Without mentioning at any time the espionage with Pegasus, the purples, along with ERC, EH Bildu, Junts, Pdecat, CUP, BNG, Más País and Compromís, thus insist on that the espionage of more than 60 leaders and activists of the Basque and Catalan independence movement could have been carried out by “uncontrolled state agencies”, specifically within the CNI.

Trying to save the veto of the PSOE, which has refused to create a commission to investigate the intervention of the cell phones of the pro-independence leaders, the petition makes no reference to Pegasus and is based on the so-called Operation Kitchen, according to which during the mandate of Mariano Rajoy reserved funds were used to create a vigilante structure that spied on PP officials.
