Podcast: Vappu Pimiä from the backstage of TTK: “Each broadcast to the bar”

Vappu Pimi tells Aki Linnanahte in the podcast what work is like as the host of the show Dancing with the Stars.

Vappu Pimiä has hosted the Dancing with the Stars program for ten seasons. Inka Soveri

Presenter and media personality tells Vappu Pimiä in a fresh Aki Linnanahde Talk Show in the episode of the podcast, what all his work entails.

In the podcast, Pimiä tells Aki Linnanahte that people often think that he only makes TV shows for work. However, this is not true, as Pimiä says that he does, for example, social media collaborations with different brands. In addition to this, he is currently writing his new cookbook and is a partner in several companies.

Pimiä states in the episode that he has very few days off, especially in autumn.

– I try to dedicate my weekends to family, but of course these autumns are such that they go to work, Pimiä describes in the podcast.

Vappu Pimiä says that the TTK program has become more real over the years. Atte Kajova

Until the comma at the bar

Pimi has hosted the Finns’ favorite show, Dancing with the Stars, for no less than ten seasons.

According to Pimi, the program has become more realistic every year, and today the star students may even take a leave of absence from their own work for the duration of the competition. Pimi brings up one thing in the conversation, which has also changed over the years.

– It makes me laugh, back then we went to the bar after every broadcast! That’s when we started pulling honest asses every Sunday. After all, there were some who didn’t leave, but pretty much the majority did, Pimi recalls his previous TTK days in the podcast.

The Aki Linnanahte Talk Show podcast hosted by Aki Linnanahte can be listened to on Podimo.

Today Vappu Pimi is hosted by Ernest Lawson. Atte Kajova
