Podcast Strictly Private | Telegraaf.nl

Yolanthe Cabau was spotted on the island of Mauritius with her son Xess Xava (6) and an as yet unknown man. The holiday photo is exclusively owned by Privé. According to editor-in-chief Evert Sankrediets, the man is very similar to Lentini Eersteling, the model with whom the 37-year-old actress was previously seen. Also in the mini-podcast Strict Private: what about the sympathy for Lil ‘Kleine now that the rapper has asked for his watches back from his ex Jaimie Vaes? And we close the week with a pressing question from a listener.

Click here for the photo of Yolanthe that Evert and Jordi speculate about in this episode of Strict Private De Podcast.

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