podcast series about his ‘domestic violence’

It is inevitable that Theo Maassen is sitting on the couch at home in shock. While the comedian has still not responded to his alleged domestic violence, there is now a podcast series.

© NPO, Spotify

Angela Degener, the ex-mistress of Theo Maassen who is a whistleblower in the case about his alleged misconduct in the field of domestic violence, surprised today with the announcement that she is launching a podcast series. In the series ‘The true of us’, Angela will tell her whole story about the fallen comedian.


According to Angela, it is time for ‘the whole truth’ to come out in podcast form. “I have decided to make an audio/video podcast to provide clarity about what is happening regarding the domestic violence that took place at Theo Maassen’s home and what was committed against his wife Joyce.”

She continues: “I would like to tell the whole story through this medium so that people realize and know that it is not allegations, accusations or rumors, but it is simply a serious story about domestic violence. About denial, concealment and why I think I should come public with this.”


It bothers Angela immensely that Joyce has now sent a denial to the ANP. Critics say she has been influenced by the comedian, as her claims about a broken nose are in black and white. Angela has contacted the ANP to ask whether someone can simply send a denial if there is evidence.

You can always submit a denial, according to the ANP, and they will then distribute it. Angela: “They do not literally deny the domestic violence, but they do deny the allegations of misconduct. The woman says she just does not recognize herself in the stories as Privé has written them down.”

Theo remains silent

Angela’s podcast series is a response to that strange denial. “People can then see for themselves what the true story is and form an opinion.”

Theo himself has still not responded to the accusations against him, and therefore has not denied it. His employers BNNVARA and VPRO have now decided to turn a blind eye to this matter and to allow his programs to continue for the time being.


Angela’s announcement:
