Podcast: Laurens Vreekamp about AI in media and journalism

Technology is changing our society. Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning are also making their appearance in the media and journalism. Can computers take over some of the creativity in our profession? The answer is yes. Laurens Vreekamp, ​​together with Marlies van der Wees, wrote the book: The Art of AI.

AI is a hot topic. The possibilities are endless and technology is getting smarter through machine learning. AI is a collective term for tools that some newsrooms already use to generate text and illustrations, to facilitate investigative journalism, to moderate reader responses and to better predict what readers want to read. These are just a few examples of creative intelligence that computers can take care of.

Podcast about AI in media

In this podcast, Carolien Vader from Bladendokter.nl and Laurens Vreekamp, ​​author of The Art of AI, talk about AI in the daily practice of the media maker and journalist. About the opportunities and pitfalls of artificial intelligence and machine learning. And about whether and to what extent computers will take over some editorial work.

Journalism is digitizing

Even if you have no knowledge of computers, algorithms or programming, this podcast is good to listen to. Laurens Vreekamp explains in a very accessible way how AI can support media makers and journalists in their daily work and which aspects of the media and journalism are increasingly digitized. This podcast gives listeners a good idea of ​​how our profession will develop in the future, in relation to the continuous digitization.

Practical tools for editors

In the podcast Laurens Vreekamp mentions many examples of tools that are now available (sometimes even for free) to journalists and media makers. All examples come from his book The Art of AI, a practical and accessible introduction to machine learning and artificial intelligence.

About Laurens Vreekamp

Laurens Vreekamp is founder of Future Journalism Today, an organization that provides many lectures and training courses in the field of AI in the media. He was previously a teaching fellow at Google News Lab. He is the author of Art of AI a book about AI in media that was published this week.

The Art of AI Laurens Vreekamp

The book: The Art of AI

The Art of AI – a hands-on introduction to Machine learning for media creators. The book provides an overview and explanation of more than seventy applications that assist editors in the different phases of creative productions. The book also contains twelve interviews with AI pioneers from the creative industry.
Order: The Art of AI
