Podcast Bashing with Wouter de Winther

The first political podcast Afhameren of 2022, of course with political commentator Wouter de Winther and presenter Pim Sedee. In 45 minutes all current political themes are discussed again. De Winther takes a close look at the new ministers and state secretaries, and is pleased with Robbert Dijkgraaf as education minister and Ernst Kuipers as health care minister. He does state that it is not so easy to realize a major change in policy in one go, for example in the field of corona. While people might expect that. Then the threat to Sigrid Kaag. ,,Breathtaking,” said De Winther. He calls the reaction of FvD to the event ‘completely unbelievable’. It is also about the corona policy. According to De Winther, politicians really need to make decisions now. How will the Netherlands live with corona? That question must be answered. So that we don’t go from lockdown to lockdown.”
