Podcast: Alma Hätönen arrived at the hospital and heard the shocking news from her sister: “I’m dying”

Alma Hätönen’s sister Eeva died of cancer at the age of 39.

Alma Hätönen lost her sister last fall. Fan Parma

In the Three Turning Points podcast hosted by Roope Salminen, former radio host Alma Hätönen recalls her last year, when she experienced a great loss.


Hätönen is 39 years old Eve-sister died of cancer last October. Hätönen says that her sister was unwell at first, but the situation did not seem serious. As the symptoms continued, the doctor finally found two pulmonary blood clots in Eeva.

In August, on his sister’s birthday, Hätönen sent a message to his sister, who is soon to become a clinical veterinarian, that this will be her year. A month and a half after sending that message, Eeva died.

– When discovered, the cancer had spread so badly that nothing could be done. Within a couple of weeks, the situation went from being operated on and cancer treatments at Meilahti Hospital to begin, to Eeva being seriously ill and we have until Christmas. Then it went to we have maybe a week. The situation changed really radically and quickly, Alma says in the podcast.

Roope Salminen got Alma Hätönen as his podcast guest. Miia Sirén

– It was the hardest experience of my life. But at the same time, there was something really beautiful about it. It brought our family together. However, we had time to say goodbye, although it came quickly. It was really important to me that I was there.

Hätönen participated last fall Dancing with the Stars -program at the same time as the family was overcome with great concern for Eeva. Hätönen dropped out of the competition at the same time as Eeva’s hospice care began. Hätönen believes that the situation was meant to be just that way.

The only one there

Hätönen describes the situation when you are in the same room with a dying sister as strange.

– At the same time, you cry and mourn, but at the same time there are moments when you sit next to another’s death bed, eat chips and grind shit with your sister. For a moment you forget everything because death has become so normal during those weeks. It’s revolutionary. At the same time, in the midst of all that sadness, I am terribly grateful that I was able to be there and that I was there until the end, until my last breath.

Alma Hätönen wants to train as a psychologist in order to help other people facing death. INKA SOVERI

Hätönen says that he was at Eeva’s place at the very moment when she found out that she was going to die.

– I was the only one who was there. I had felt that morning that I must go there earlier. I was going at noon, but then I got the feeling that no, I have to go already at nine in the morning. When I arrived, the doctors came out of Eva’s room and she said to me: “I can’t even say this out loud. I’m dying, Alma,” says Hätönen about the break of tears.

– That moment was painful, but I am so happy that I was there. That Eve didn’t have to be alone. It is something that is definitely a turning point in my life.

Hätönen and Eeva’s sister together called all the family members and told the sad news. The family came right away and they dealt with the grief together.

Source: Three turning points, Podme
