Podcast: Actress Alina Tomnikov took a positive pregnancy test – Then a harsh thought took over my mind: “My career was here”

Alina Tomnikov is a mother these days.

Actress and writer Alina Tomnikov, 35, recently got her husband, a director Lauri Laukkanen with her firstborn.

Fresh Tuija Pehkonen All the best In the episode of the podcast, Tomnikov reflects on motherhood and shares the thoughts it brings.

Tomnikov took a positive pregnancy test at the end of the year. He remembers the day particularly well because there was also another special piece of news on that day.

Alina Tomnikov is grateful to her husband, who has modern ways of thinking. Atte Kajova

Actor Tomnikov was selected for European Film Promotion’s (EFP) European Shooting Stars program, which aims to raise 10 acting talents each year towards an international career. Although both news, and especially the pregnancy news, were happy, Tomnikov was horrified.

– My first thought was that hey, my career was here, Tomnikov reveals in the podcast.

– And I’m absolutely sure that your husband never once had the same thought in his head during this process that his working career would be there, Pehkonen answers.

Tomnikov completely agrees with Pehkonen.

– No no no! And I don’t think that even the thought that my working career would be there would have crossed his mind. Because no, she’s very lovely. I’m really grateful that he’s a very modern-minded guy, Tomnikov assures.

Tomnikov says that during her pregnancy she also felt that she wanted to work more and more.

– This is where my takeoff begins, my new takeoff.

The Everything Good podcast hosted by Tuija Pehkonen can be listened to in the Podme service.
