plot, cast, review |iO Donna

cs like every Friday, they return to Sky Carrie, Charlotte and Miranda, the protagonists of And Just Like That 2grappling with new obstacles to face and new evolutions to make. The sixth episode is aired tonight at 21.15 on Sky Serieby title Old and new loves, also available streamed on NOW. An almost decisive episode, in which the knots come home to roost and each appears even more aware of itself.

“And just like that 2”, the teaser trailer of the second season

And Just Like That 2the plot of the sixth episode

The episode opens with the mention of an old love, never gone and never forgotten. AND Sex And The Citythe bestseller that Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) published almost thirty years earlier and which now becomes the symbol of a past that will never be able to return. And also of a present indifferent to what it was.

It all happens during an interview on the occasion of the release of his new book. A novel in which it is told through the mourning for the death of Big (Chris Noth). Interviewing her is a young influencer, evidently unaware of her past. Few jokes, but enough to underline that SAT extension has gone to the attic and that, despite the protagonists’ nostalgia for times gone by, life goes on.

However, he continues to process the absence of the great love of his life step by step. In the first season you witnessed a long inner journey that led you to say goodbye to your husband’s ashes in the Seine. Now she’s ready to tell the world what it was and how she learned to move forward.

And it is she herself who says it: “You don’t go ahead because you are ready, but because you have put aside who you were”. In the end, opens up to the new… returning to the past. That’s it after years names Aidan (John Corbett)the other great love of his life.

Sarah Jessica Parker and John Corbett in “And Just Like That 2”. (Getty Images)

Miranda finally finds herself

For a friend who is about to rise from the ashes like the phoenix, there is another who risks sinking into a destructive spiral: Miranda (Cynthia Nixon). The relationship with Steve (David Eigenberg) leaks from all sides. The guilt for destroying the marriage has worn her down for months, but she finally has the courage to have an open confrontation. Things don’t go as she hoped, but it is a first step towards her true emancipation.

Also the relationship with Che (Sara Ramírez) creaks and for a long time now. They come to an important decision. For Miranda she represents the push she needed and which gives her the security she has always craved. A long journey, but well worth it.

“And Just Like That 2”, Sarah Jessica Parker is Carrie Bradshaw. (Sky)

Charlotte swings between comedy and empowerment

In the end, Charlotte (Kristin Davis). While waiting for Samantha’s (Kim Cattrall) cameo, it is she who has to deal with sexual issues. So in the sixth episode of And Just Like That 2 he finds himself in spite of having to face something unexpected. Lily (Cathy Ang) tells her and Harry (Evan Handler) that she has decided to lose her virginity to Blake. While her husband doesn’t want to hear about it, she makes a different choice. Not only does he advise her to focus on her needs instead of her partner’s, but runs into a blizzard while buying a pack of condoms.

Also this week, Charlotte swings between comedy and empowerment, with an overall hilarious result. Finally, they continue the events of Lisa (Nicola Ari Parker) and Herbert (Christopher Jackson), two of the new characters inserted into the story, but at the same time completely detached from it.

In this episode they are grappling with their firstborn’s hormones and, once again, they understand that they can count on each other. Lisa is then entrusted with a joke that would like to leave her mark in a feminist perspective, but which in the end remains a mere side dish: “No one can stop us, not even a blizzard.”

Kristin Davis is Charlotte York. (Sky)

And Just Like That 2episode 6: the review

Nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, but everything is transformed, teaches Heraclitus. And ours follow the philosopher’s teaching to the letter. In the new installment, each of them takes a step forward. It falls, it gets up, it evolves. A bit like they’ve always done in Sex And The City.

The differences with the main series are huge and tangible, but emerges the effort to create a bridge between what was and what is. In a sense, season two began by catching up with Sex And The City. Subsequently he tried to move away from it, without success, and then returned to draw on it with both hands a moment before the finale. Perhaps out of nostalgia, perhaps because the writers have finally understood that And Just Like That 2 will never be as strong as Sex And The City.

However, it is yet another faux pas. The gimmick of reinstating Aidan, for example, is too simplistic. It takes Carrie two seasons to process and exorcise the mourning for Big’s death and, in the end, she thinks back to her ex. Just like she did in the second film during the trip to Abu Dhabi (and the crisis with Big). The screenplay is hasty and sometimes lacking depth, but the grand finale is almost there now. And the spotlights are all on the return of Aidan and Samantha.

