Plopping curly, wavy or straight hair: what it is

THEn full revival Eighties and Nineties, the hedgehog, if not the perm, is experiencing a new moment of glory. And if there are no more secrets in their management for curly hair, it is true that plopping may be one of the most interesting drying methods for avoiding frizz.

How does it work? Just one old cotton t-shirt and your favorite styling product and that’s it.

Plopping, how to dry curly hair

There are a lot of videos on YouTube dedicated to plopping but the opinions on the result are conflicting: does it work or not?

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From the internet to word of mouth it’s a moment: this drying method is perfect for wavy and curly hair that want to avoid frizz. Especially when the cut is short, in fact, the frizz effect is in fact just around the corner.

To remedy it you need the right drying, which passes from the correct use of the diffuser to the application of anti-frizz products.

But even before that, the “rear-end” phase is important: and if once there were i classic turbans and cotton terry towels, old T-shirts are useful today unused. Indispensable to try the plopping technique.

T-shirt plopping technique: the step-by-step tutorial

But how does it work? Here’s a plopping tutorial divided into 4 simple steps.

1. It starts already in the shower when, for apply the conditioner, using a wide-toothed comb or simply your hands. Then, pat your hair with a towel to remove excess water.

2. After applying your favorite styling product, he places the shirt on a surface, opening it completely as if it were to be folded.

3. By bending the head, the whole hair rests on the shirt, making sure that the curls are perfectly stretched. Then, with the hair covered up to the nape of the neck, the turban is closed with the sleeves.

4. At this point you leave it in place. The time varies a lot, at least thirty minutes up to all night. In the first case, drying can be completed with the hair dryer while in the second with the diffuser.

One more trick

As many experts advise, this one technique is very good for giving volume to the center of the head, but it has the weakness in the fact that it is difficult to manage the sides and especially the front of the hair.

Also, instead of using the shirt, you can opt for a classic hair net and then dry with the diffuser, so as not to have any nasty surprises in terms of style.



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