Plenty of sun on the way, but this outdoor pool is in serious trouble

Tropical temperatures are approaching and nothing is better than taking a refreshing dip. A popular place for this is the outdoor swimming pool Staalbergven in Oisterwijk with outdoor pools and a fen. However, due to a chlorine leak, it is not possible to splash in the outdoor pools for the time being. And that problem is not easily solved.

On April 2, the Staalbergven released the message. “An increased value of chloride has been found in the groundwater. The bath will not open on the first day of the May holiday.” It is still not known when the baths will open.

The municipality of Oisterwijk is the manager of the baths: “We have found a leak in the buffer tank. We are currently looking at how quickly this can be repaired,” a spokesperson said. In the meantime, you can only swim in the fen. That is why the entrance price has been temporarily reduced to 1 euro.

According to Inge van Beers of the local party Algemeen Belang Oisterwijk, Staalbergven is important for the environment. “The swimming pool means a lot to Oisterwijk. It is a magical place for young and old with the fen and baths themselves. It would be a shame if the baths remained closed.”

“The state of the Staalbergven is deplorable.”

The outlook for this summer looks bleak for Staalbergven. Once the leak has been repaired, the municipality will need a few more weeks to prepare the chlorine baths. Cleaning it in particular takes a lot of time.

It seems very likely that the leak in the buffer tank of the chlorine baths is not just bad luck. According to action group ‘Hard voor ‘t Staal’, the site has been poorly maintained for years. “It is completely run down,” says Ruud van der Star of the action group set up last year.

“The city council is being asked for money for a future plan.”

The Staalbergven is located in the area of ​​Natuurmonumenten. Area manager Toon Loonen of Natuurmonumenten acknowledges the deplorable condition of the swimming pool. “Renovation is urgently needed and that should have started much earlier.”

The municipality of Oisterwijk sees this itself: “We want to work towards a solution as soon as possible. The first step is the council meeting on 11 July. Then the council will be asked for money for an investigation and a plan for the future of the baths.” says the spokesperson.

Action group Hard voor ‘t Staal prefers to see a commercial manager instead of the municipality. “The bath has to become attractive again for an investor,” says Van der Star. “Only, Natuurmonumenten only wants to do business with the municipality.”

“We don’t want it to get busier here.”

According to Natuurmonumenten, a commercial operator is absolutely not an option. “We understand the importance of this pool, but we don’t want it to get busier here. The fen is part of a protected nature reserve. A commercial party will provide more influx and that is not the intention.”

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