Plenty of nonnevotten baking now that permanent laoven continues | 1Limburg

Bakers are working overtime this week with the baking of the pre-eminent Vastlaoves pastry: the nonnevot. Because now that it is firmly in front of the door, the nunnery can’t be dragged around.

20,000 pieces, that’s how many nonnevotten bakery Marc Fleuren bakes in his bakery in Roermond this season. Although in recent years that season has no longer been limited to the fixed period, he notes.

Old and new
“The season already starts in September”, and with New Year’s Eve, the nonnevo is really part of it. “But this is really the last week that we bake them,” says Fleuren. “After that the strawberries are almost ready and we can continue with new seasonal products.” The thousands of nonnevotten are sold in one of its branches in Baarlo, Swalmen and Roermond.

800 nunvotten
But before that time, there is still plenty of baking. The grease boiler is smoking a lot in the bakery this Tuesday morning. In an hour and a half, about 800 fresh nonnevotten are baked until golden brown, while a new load is rolled in the background for the next day.

Dear nonnevottenbaker
Despite the fact that the nunnevot has its roots in the south of the province, Fleuren, originally Baarlose baker, won the last title as the best nunnevot baker in the province. His secret: dedication and patience. “It starts with a good dough. And you have to fry the nonnevot carefully so that it is not too greasy and has a good bite.”

no fan
Despite the fact that Fleuren could count on the highest step in the last election, it is not his favorite pastry. “I hardly dare to say it, but I am indeed not a fan of it. But you don’t have to like everything you bake, of course.”
