Plenty of applause now that Lil Kleine has to go back to jail: ‘Justice!’

Lil Kleine is again placed in pre-trial detention. In any case, he will be behind bars for the next fourteen days and that leads to a lot of positive reactions online. “This is justice!”

© William Rutten

Two weeks ago, Lil Kleine, almost simultaneously with Glennis Grace, spent three nights in an Amsterdam police cell because of the abuse of his girlfriend Jaimie Vaes. He was released to the dismay of the Public Prosecution Service. On appeal it has now been decided to suspend his pre-trial detention to roll back

Positive reactions

In any case, Lil Kleine will be back in the police cell for the next two weeks and that leads to many positive reactions on the internet. “It is good that the provisional release has been reversed. Hopefully this is also a better sign for other victims that something is being done about it,” Teddy says on the response platform of

“What a beautiful day in this misery. First Sywert van Lienden arrested and now pauper gnome back where he belongs. Such a wonderful Monday,” says Kalle. King Guf says: “Exactly what I thought. A little justice next to all the misery brightens up the day.”

Sywert and Lili

Jan agrees: “We often read sad news, such as the war in Ukraine, but fortunately also positive news today. Sywert and Lil might still have breakfast and lunch together. Their millions are of no use to them right now.”

Pieter agrees that Lil Kleine can no longer be spotted in Ibiza for the time being. “The man is suspected of aggravated assault and is simply enjoying going on holiday with his friends. Then you really have a FU mentality and you don’t care what you’ve done.”

“Stop Glennis!”

The viewers of RTL Boulevard also respond content on the provisional incarceration of Lil Kleine. They call en masse to throw Glennis Grace behind bars again. “Let it sit and put Glennis Grace in there”, says Jessica. And Yvonne: “Never let go, Glennis Grace can sit down nicely, tidy is neat.”

Emma is annoyed that Lil Kleine has spent the past few weeks in Spain. “Lovely, just had a week’s holiday, unbelievable, this is the Netherlands. Let him sit for a long time on water and bread, creepy.”

nasty person

Shownieuws viewers are also satisfied. “It’s just a nasty person,” Petra says. “When the Netherlands went into the first lockdown, he posted videos while he was in Dubai, he laughed at everyone. (…) He has annoying traits and is an aggressive person and whether that is due to a rotten childhood, I don’t care.”

Petra doesn’t feel like all those excuses. “I think it’s time for him to pay the bill – he can now reap what he sowed himself.”
