Playoff final vs Wales – Ukraine aiming final step towards World Cup, Football | World Cup Qualifiers Europe – World Cup 2022 in Qatar – Football

After a difficult few months, only Wales stands between Ukraine and their sporting dream, only one win is missing before participating in the World Cup finals in Qatar. “We will do everything to make Ukrainians proud”, promised national coach Oleksandr Petrakow before the showdown on Sunday (6 p.m.) in Cardiff. They all want to provide a little ray of hope in dark times.

Further effort required

Against superstar Gareth Bale and his Welsh, however, it takes another show of strength, physically and mentally, “the achievement of our lives”, as Zinchenko emphasized. After all, it’s weeks and months that get to the point. After the win against Scotland (3-1), several players fell to their knees. Relieved, but above all exhausted. Zinchenko sees the fact that a number of players played a competitive game for the first time since the outbreak of war on February 24th, and that the emotional burden on the team is hardly any less, as motivation. “Everyone will fight to the end and give everything because we will play for our country”, said the star of Manchester City.
