Plans to keep the baby out of the public eye

Bäck and his spouse Airi Mikkelä updated their social media presence in the middle of everyday life with babies.

Roni Bäck became public after starting his YouTube channel. He has also appeared in shows such as Big Brother. JOEL MAISALMI

Tube player Roni Bäck, 29, and her husband, former badminton player Airi Mikkelä, 29, have had their first child.

Bäck talks about new parenthood in an Instagram post, where she describes the last couple of weeks after the birth of the baby have been wild.

– Fatigue has been present due to minimal night sleeps, the trumpeter sums up the couple’s moods.

In a compilation of three pictures, Bäck poses with his spouse, the second shows a dog jealous of the couple’s baby, and the third shows a picture of the tube player with the baby in his arms.

If you don’t see the publication, you can view it from here.

In addition to congratulations, comments ask whether the family’s baby can be seen in Bäck’s YouTube videos. On Instagram, the little one’s face is covered.

– It is not visible and the name is kept out of the public domain, Bäck reveals.

Happy suprise

Bäck found out about his wife’s pregnancy just before filming the Arctic expedition series.

– It was really difficult to go on a trip (after the pregnancy news). For the first time, I felt that now my place would be somewhere other than Greenland, Roni previously told Iltalehti.

Tubettaja got an ultrasound image during the trip to Greenland, when he got to the internet connections.

He has also talked about adding to the family in the fall on his YouTube channel.

– We didn’t want to make any big numbers. Next year we will have a child, Roni said in the fall.

Bäck and Mikkelä, who had their first child, have been together for a few years. They got engaged in September 2021. Pete Anikari
