Planning office was responsible for impact on income

Het Vlaamse onderwijs zit al jaren in de hoek waar de Klappen Vallen. Onderzoek na onderzoek wijst uit dat het middelde level van de Leerlingen steeds dieper wegzakt. Leerlingen lost the school steeds minder met the nodige kennis in vaardigheden. The vast majority of the money for the domain is known, but the same goes for the wet box, in the valley and in the valley.

The covid pandemic has intensified the trend, it is included in a new study of the Federal Planning Bureau. The study is based on the possibility of reporting cijfers over the empty dungeon in Vlaanderen and the Netherlands. In the period from May 2020 to June 2021, the empty dungeon will be geraamd op zowat de helft van de Kennis the Leerlingen normaal opdoen in a school year. That is why it is made with the schoolsluitingen to spread the word about the coronavirus.

The maatschappelijke gevolgen daarvan zullen zich pas later ten full suites, according to Arnaud Joskin. “The Zullen we pas zien wanneer deze generation students employed zich op de arbeidsmarkt.” Because of this, Joskin has been duidelijk since the empty eighth state of the economic week of our country and printing.

“He states a duidelijk verband tussen onderwijsniveau en bbp (het total aan goederen and services that were produced in a year in a country, SK)”, waarschwt de study. If you are bad in Leerlingen, you will be schooled, if you are bad, you will have to wait for the job market. That means that you don’t deserve to be fed less, and that you have less cooperation. How less earned, betaalt also less belastingen – less loonlasten than btw op consumptiegoederen. Op the manner weegt the empty eighth state op the public financiën van ons land.

“Lager geschoolde Leerlingen zullen also less productief zijn, wardoor onze economic groei onder pressure comes te staan”, says Joskin. “When the economic activities were in progress, there were no budgetary problems at any level.”

Billions of euros per year

How high the costs are, is possible prices are calculated. Schattingen van de OESO geven wel een indication. Het BBP zou 2.2 tot 3.6 percent camp liggen dan zonder empty aft stand. Het gaat dan al snel om millions of euros per year.

“It’s naturally huge,” says Joskin. “When he arrives with the inhalation moving, we quote the potential with high economic costs. Also de sociale followed by additional trouwens aanzienlijk zijn. He is a duidelijke link that must be received in the warehouse: mensen met a warehouse income raised by a warehouse warehouse level.”

The onderzoeker knows that there is no inhaling movement in the future. “In de jaren ’90 het onderwijs lay in Franstalig Belgium een ​​tijd stil for all kinds of stakingen. Later we can confirm that the empty contract will not be taken into account. He zijn dus specifieke maatregelen nodig om Leerlingen bij te benen.”

Onderwijseconoom Kristof De Witte treedt Joskin bij. “We now only know that the bijkomende null contracting for corona geen tijdelijk fenomeen was. We really nood aan een build back better strategy.”

The first point of concern is the following: the information from the ICT of the individual data. “We were at the beginning of the pandemic onvoldoende vorbereid op technologically vlak. That’s why we’re going to step up, and that’s not going to happen for a long time. He would also have developed the central reading material, so that the army in Leerlingen could level bijspijkeren op de domainenen waar dat nodig is.”

Because of that, he would like the following to be done on the other hand: the directeurs, so that they will meet school problems and the pedagogical project bezig Kunnen House.

The vraag is of zulke ingrepen zullen volstaan ​​om the enormous empty aft stand van de voorbije jaren noemenswaardig in te halen. De Witte is optimistic, because it is because he really wanted to be made by beleidsmakers. De cat uit de boom kijken is geen optie. “Dan zal de achterstand onvermijdelijk op loner termijn doorwerken.”
