Planning for offshore wind energy 2030 ready | news item

News item | 10-06-2022 | 15:31

On a proposal from Minister Jetten for Climate and Energy, the Council of Ministers has determined where and when the additional announced wind farms will be placed at sea before 2030. The tender for these wind farms, which will supply 10.7 gigawatts of energy, will be opened from 2025. Together with the 11 gigawatts already planned, offshore wind turbines will supply approximately 21 gigawatts of energy by 2030, which is approximately 75% of the current electricity consumption in our country. TenneT will be commissioned to lay the grid connections to land for the extra wind farms.

Minister Jetten: “We want to make the North Sea our largest green energy source. That’s a huge job. The construction of a wind farm and the connection to the electricity grid takes several years, whereby we constantly keep an eye on the ecological impact. To achieve our goals for 2030, we are now making haste to get the wind farms up and running as quickly as possible.”

The construction of the extra connections for the electricity grid at sea requires an investment of approximately €16 billion. In order to realize the construction according to plan, TenneT will award contracts for the manufacture of the platforms, cables and equipment before the final permits have been obtained.

Recently, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany and Belgium agreed to build wind farms with a total capacity of 150 gigawatts in the North Sea before 2050, with a target of 65 gigawatts by 2030. The Netherlands will account for 21 gigawatts of this.
