Plan for a clothing bank at Zuyderland for patients | 1Limburg

Nurse Kim Smit van het Zuyderland in Heerlen regularly sees that people have to go home almost naked after an operation. “That’s why I want to realize a dressing room where healthcare staff can pick out clothes for them to go home in.”

Within six months she hopes to change that with a dressing room in the hospital.

No social circle or financial resources
“The problem is only getting bigger. Every week I see people passing by who have no clothes. And that is what I see, but that also happens in other departments. People often have no social circle around them, no financial resources or are even homeless.” And although this is a big problem according to Smit, it seems that her clothing room will be the first in the country.

Volunteers and clothing
The nurse is still in the realization phase. “A plan must be made with rules for getting clothes. One of those rules is, for example, that healthcare staff must register what they take with them. Possible rooms must also be designated where the dressing room can come.” And that’s not the only thing Smit has to arrange for the room. “You also need volunteers and clothes. And that’s exactly what I’m looking for.”

There is enough capacity for Smit’s idea. “Everyone is aware, from management to department heads.”
