Piqué and Shakira agree on the periods in which the footballer will be able to see his children

Gerard Piqué will have their children 10 days a month and the whole of the three vacation periods that apply in the United States, beyond Christmas and the summer holidays, starting next year. This Christmas they will alternate custody at 50% following the calendar of the Generalitat and in the coming years they will do so according to the school calendar of the little ones. That is the pact they have reached on soccer player and his until now partner, Shakira, referring to the custody of their children, whose well-being has been the great priority for both. The player’s decision to hang up his boots has been decisive for the negotiations that had been going on for months without much progress to get unstuck in the last few hours.

The artist and the player have made great sacrifices in order to reach the best possible agreement for their children, according to sources close to the ex-partner. priority was avoid a trial with the consequent harm and psychological impact for the little ones.

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In principle, Piqué will continue to live in Barcelona and he will stay in Miami during those 10 days a month in which he can be with his children, while he will take advantage of the longer vacation periods in which he has custody to fly with them to Barcelona so that they can enjoy the paternal family. In the event that the athlete decides to settle in Miami, the Custody would become shared.

Shakira will have the full power to decide when permanently moves to Miami with his children, without the need to consult with Piqué. In this sense, the evolution of father’s health status of the artist, who remains admitted to the Teknon Clinic, will be decisive in choosing the moment. If there are no relevant changes in your situation, the Colombian singer will remain in Barcelona. It is ruled out, therefore, that he has already decided that Christmas is the time decided for the transfer, as has been published in other media.
