Pioli in the conference before Milan-Sampdoria: ‘Ibra, Theo …’

The Milan coach: “The team is more aware and mature. Having players who feel the need to be with us like Hernandez means that the path we are taking is giving stability and continuity “

The opportunity makes the thief, and this time the stolen goods are to make your head spin. What then, stealing is an improper concept: in mid-February you do not get the chance to look out of the attic by chance. You don’t climb to the top because the planets are well aligned. There is probably no team that deserves such an opportunity more than Milan. Napoli-Inter, Atalanta-Juve, Milan-Samp: the humpback shot is set up, now you just have to complete it. Of course, the variables are many. To really plant the flag at the top, Inter must not win and at the same time three points are needed against Sampdoria. It is a test of maturity different from that which a derby promises and equally insidious, albeit in different ways.


Trappoloni in which Milan often fell in the past. Pioli obviously maintains the matra of “game after game”, but in the meantime he acknowledges: “Beyond the results that will come this weekend, I can say that the team is more aware and mature than a year ago and obviously two years ago. It is a team that has gone through many experiences and has grown. A team that knows how each match has an important specific weight and that matches must be faced with great attention and confidence. The renewal of Hernandez? It is a beautiful sign for the whole environment and it is also a vision for the present and the future. Theo strongly wanted this renewal and having players who feel this need means that the path we are taking is giving stability and continuity. Ibra? Work separately, it will take some more time ”.



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