Pioli after the Milan-Inter derby: “Great game, I’m happy”

The Rossoneri coach happy for the victory in the derby: “In the final we relaxed a bit and took some risks. Leao? Sometimes his attitude is deceiving”

He danced and sang “Pioli is on fire” under the Curva Sud, as is now customary after Milan’s most important successes. Stefano Pioli won the derby and can only express his satisfaction after the match, to Dazn’s microphones: “Beyond the song, it’s the energy that makes me so happy. The sharing with the fans – he explains -. It was a important game and a direct match, there is a great rivalry because our opponents want to prove that they are superior to us, for many reasons. We had a great game, then we relaxed a bit and took some risks. will, desire to be together, I am truly a happy coach “.

Rafa and Mike

Pioli then moves on to the technical analysis of the match: “We were good at reading the game, I like it when the team is on the pitch with maturity and awareness. Against great rivals, then, it is impossible to think of not conceding something. ‘Inter would have played two fast forwards, we preferred to wait and then we were intense at the right moment … Inter are very strong when they attack depth and we tried to take it away. ” A great protagonist, of course, is Rafael Leao: “He has talent and availability, qualities that are essential to grow, one of our goals is to build well to enable him to go one-on-one – says Pioli -. His attitude can sometimes be misleading. in reality he always knows what to do “. His words of esteem also for Maignan: “It doesn’t surprise me anymore, I have an absolute consideration of the player and the person.”

Towards the Champions League

The joy for the derby won will soon have to give way to concentration for the debut in the Champions League: “We have grown a lot compared to last year, we understand that the Champions League demands a lot from a technical and mental point of view – assures the Rossoneri coach. -. Salzburg are dangerous, they have really important technical qualities. We will do different things than today, Salzburg play with a 4-3-1-2, but what matters is the mentality of the team. We will need balance and defensive compactness. “
