Pioli after Lazio-Milan: “Scudetto? We’ll try, the players are lions”

The Rossoneri coach happy for the strike at Lazio: “You don’t often see such a young team fighting for a championship. And if I were in my players, I would be angry because …”

“Right to be happy for this victory and our fantastic fans. And if I were my players I would be angry, because they have very little credit, instead they are lions, they are really strong. They deserve more credibility.” Stefano Pioli shows all the pride in him, after the 2-1 with which Milan snatched three key points from the Olimpico against Lazio. “Strangely, we had a bad impact on the match and immediately conceded the goal, but we were able to stay inside the match – the Rossoneri coach said to the microphones of Dazn -. Thanks to the mentality of my players, now let’s think about the next match and from here to the end we will try to win them all. That’s what I told the team, if we have scored 86 points at the end of the season … we will have done our best. “

Until the end

Pioli then goes on to analyze the challenge with Sarri’s team: “In the second half we raised the full-backs more, Tonali had to stay a little lower, but in the last minutes he tried to move forward and the goal also arrived – he explains. – Meanwhile, we are arithmetically in the Champions League and this is great news, now we have to face higher and higher obstacles, more and more complicated steps, but we will try. ” In the closing stages there was a need to clear up the cards on the table a bit: “Leao played a great game, then in the end he was tired. I tried to insert new energies, players with different characteristics to win the game. We have it. recovery first with the head and then in the result, we believed in it until the end. Giroud? A great player, a perfect acquisition “.

Last effort

Tonali, the match-winner has been one of the most acclaimed idols of the Rossoneri fans for months now. “Sandro captain of the future? They are all captains for me, it is not common to see such a young team fighting for the Scudetto, now I just have to ask the boys for the last effort – assures Pioli -. Each match will weigh a lot and we know what difficulties there are. he will create a team as strong and fast as Fiorentina next Sunday. There was disappointment after the Coppa Italia derby, but we have always collected something from the worst moments. The championship is still open. ” Then, at the press conference, Pioli returns to the metaphor of lions: “The lion is not the smartest in the savannah, he is not the fastest, he is not the biggest, but he knows he has to eat and every morning he wakes up with that hunger. to eat. We have to wake up every morning with this hunger. And Ibra … has more than all “.
