Pınar Deniz and Zehra Güneş got together! – Breaking Volleyball news

“Judgment”, which is one of the most watched and loved series these days, continues to attract attention day by day. The successful actress of the series, Pınar Deniz, was very popular with the character of Ceylin, in which she took on the role.

National volleyball player Zehra Güneş started her career at the age of 12 with volleyball, but nowadays she is not only on the sports agenda, but also with the commercials she plays, and draws attention even in the programs she attends. Güneş, who has a wide audience on social media, was admired by her followers for her photo with Pınar Deniz in her sharing.


The famous volleyball player Güneş, who has been shining recently, shared his pose with Pınar Deniz, the beloved face of the screens, on his Instagram account.
