Pilvi Hämäläinen was surprised by the doctor’s diagnosis

Pilvi Hämäläinen received help from therapy for her depression and anxiety.

Hämäläinen deals with difficult issues through humor. ANNA JOUSILAHTI

Actress Pilvi Hämäläinen, who published her first book in September, says in the recent Me Naiset magazine that her first novel Cinderella has evoked feelings of both joy and sadness in readers, and that was Hämäläinen’s intention as well.

Hämäläinen tells the magazine that he deals with his own anxiety by writing. He says that his little sister died 10 years ago, but it has been difficult for him to talk about difficult things.

– For a long time, I thought that if I just push the sad feelings as deep as possible into the recesses of my soul, I can forget them and just go on with my life. But it doesn’t work like that, Hämäläinen says in Me Nais.

Hämäläinen states that humor is the only way he can release unpleasant feelings.

– My humor is born from pain and suffering. With it, things that make you anxious become smaller and are not such scary black puddles, he continues to the magazine.

Seeking help

Writing the book also caused Hämäläinen anxiety. There were a lot of work projects and there was no time left for recovery. Anxiety increased and Hämäläinen refused to meet his friends. Finally, he sought help from professionals.

– All the difficult things in my life started to surface. I was so screwed that it was no longer normal, Hämäläinen says in the magazine.

The diagnosis from the psychiatrist revealed depression and anxiety disorder. Hämäläinen says he was surprised by the diagnoses. He says that he got help from medication and regular therapy, which has continued for two years. Meeting friends is also meaningful on this day.

– I’m grateful that they still exist, even though I disappeared for a couple of years and didn’t even answer the phone, he says in the latest issue.

Source: We women

Pilvi Hämäläinen is known from, among other things, the Suurmesteri program. Pete Anikari
