Pilot project with deposit on cans and plastic bottles is a success

Pilot project with deposit on cans and plastic bottles is a success

Coastal mayor and MP Steve Vandenberghe is now calling on the Flemish government to finally introduce a real deposit on a large scale. Steve Vandenberghe, Mayor of Bredene: “It is above all a successful pilot project, where we notice that the results we achieve here are perfectly in line with the figures of countries that are already doing it everywhere on their territory. And that perfectly demonstrates that the introducing a deposit is the solution, and perhaps the only one, to reduce litter.” (read more below the photo)

The deposit project is already being evaluated positively at surf and beach club De Twins. Most of the cans with deposit stickers have been returned neatly. Bredene has been pushing for the introduction of deposits at Flemish level for six years now. The mayor expects a breakthrough in September. The Ovam litter figures will soon be bad and, according to him, coastal municipalities in particular pay handfuls of money to keep cleaning the dirty beaches.

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