Pilot project for chemotherapy and immunotherapy in patients’ homes will be followed

Pilot project for chemotherapy and immunotherapy in patients’ homes will be followed

As a patient, you do not pay anything extra for a nurse who comes to your home for chemotherapy or intravenous antibiotic treatment. However, you can stay in your familiar environment and it is also more practical, because patients often have to receive medication several times a month. But not all treatments are like this. For chemotherapy, this would concern 2,600 people in Flanders.

Koen Van Eygen, hematologist AZ Groeninge Kortrijk: “We think that the care at home is just as good or maybe even a bit better because the presence of the nurse in the home context also allows us to see things that we don’t always see in the hospital. Such as home situations. that are not properly arranged, care problems that do not always come to light, people do not flaunt it.”
