Pilot balloon Conner Rousseau: “Why don’t we lower compulsory education to 16 years?” | Education

Rousseau’s trial balloon is about compulsory schooling for pupils from TSO and BSO. “Some young people are tired of school at 16, lose their motivation and also start frustrated in the workplace. Wouldn’t it be better to let them work right away? You still have to guide those guys until they are 18, but they no longer have to be at school all the time,” says Rousseau in the interview. Earlier, education specialist Dirk Van Damme also launched the line of thought.

Rousseau also says that he is working on a proposal to make it compulsory for toddlers to attend school from the age of 3. This is to give all children the same opportunities and to ensure that they do not fall behind in language before they start the first year. The chairman also wants to put this proposal on the table of the federal government.
