Piia Koriseva turns 50 years old

Piia Koriseva’s life has had colorful twists and turns.

Piia Koriseva is also known as Arja Koriseva’s sister. Roni Lehti

Piia Koriseva has a big celebration, because today, September 8, she turns 50 years old.

Fifty years can fit a lot. When Piia looks back on her life, it is clear which events are the biggest turning points in her life. As a mother of three children, she is responsible for the births of her children, but also for the brain infarction she had at the age of 36.

It has been 14 years since the illness. The stopping experience was like a new beginning.

– It changed my values ​​a bit, and I no longer took things for granted.

– I am very grateful. I got to do a lot of everything. Yes, I claim that I have in a way lived the lives of several people.

Piia recovered from the illness, but rehabilitation and learning to walk again took time, because Piia’s muscle memory disappeared on the right side of her body.

The illness hasn’t caused any after-symptoms for a long time, until Piia recently noticed that her muscle memory was getting angry again.

– We had dance training and I danced the Charleston. I noticed that my leg couldn’t do a single movement anymore and it had to be relearned. There have been no symptoms for many years.

After realizing that, Piia taught the movement to her leg again and didn’t think about it any more. He is by no means just another brain infarction. Piia carries her grandmother’s teaching about worrying as her important life instruction.

– He taught me how much sorrow is produced by sorrows that never come true.

Piia Koriseva had a cerebral infarction in 2008. PDO


Koriseva is remembered, among other things, as the host, lyricist, actor and radio voice of Bingoloto, which was shown in the 1990s. As a punctual person, in addition to these work roles, Piia has increased her resume as a personal trainer, municipal politician, entrepreneur, wellness coach and operational manager.

– I get more stressed if my calendar is empty, Piia laughs.

You would think that Piia would have already achieved and done everything she wanted in her life.

– I would rather ask, what would I still not like to achieve? The maid laughs.

Piia has ended up studying psychology at the University of Jyväskylä in addition to her several jobs. He believes that a person stops living when he stops learning.

Piia Koriseva in 1997. Kalle Parkkinen

Piia in 2008 in Paimio. PDO

Corona took away the work

In Piia’s opinion, the filling up of the calendar is completely welcome after the long corona years. Like many other entrepreneurs, Piia’s income also suffered enormously in the last two years. He missed about 70 gigs and theater performances a year. However, the maid did not want to be caught in the fire, and ended up looking for a job at the cashier of her local store.

– Yes, I’ve always been the type that the work is done, whatever it is, and then when it’s not, then you just have to come up with something.

However, there is one job that Piia will not pursue next year. Piia has run for parliament in the 2019 elections as a Member of Parliament for Keskusta. However, a place among Finland’s decision-makers did not open up. Piia realizes that she doesn’t have enough time to delve into politics at the moment. In the future, he still plans to run for office.


The first of the maid’s children has already moved out of the house and the other two are fast approaching independence. Piia does not suffer from the emptying nest syndrome, but is happy that when the children start to build their own future, she also frees up time for her own life.

Piia divorced the father of her children in 2012 and has been single since then. Piia doesn’t rule out the possibility that if she meets the right person, she might start dating again. Piia is not looking for anything by looking, and she has never wanted to date just for the joy of dating.

– When there have been bad relationships, sometimes you get the feeling that luckily there is no one, Piia laughs.

– Being or doing things by myself has never bothered me. I rather like being able to hustle and do things. If it’s about to come, then I’ll probably change my mind, says Piia.

Piia Koriseva talks about her podcast in a video.
