Pieter (25) went out and fell in love with Merel, now he can’t find her Interior

A romantic love story or a gruesome rejection? Pieter Bredius (25) from Amsterdam is looking for his dream woman from Rotterdam, but is not (yet) able to find her. “I gave the wrong number with my stupid head.”

A fun night out in Amsterdam continued into the early hours. Pieter and Merel made it through the night and ended up on a terrace in the sun the next day. Pieter fell in love with the woman from Rotterdam, but cannot find her again.

The two danced and drank until after closing time in the Sissi’s in Amsterdam. ,,She had something eccentric, something very unique”, says Pieter. After the partygoers had bought a sandwich in Amsterdam-Noord, Pieter brought the Rotterdamse to the station. They said goodbye with a hug and a kiss on the mouth.

No missed call

Merel asked Pieter for his number. The two decided to put that in Merel’s mobile. Pieter thinks he entered the wrong number, because he called himself on her phone. His phone was dead at the time, but after his cell phone was charged again, he didn’t see a missed call. Now he has lost her.

He shared a message on Facebook. ,,I need your help”, Pieter opens. “It would be a shame if something went wrong because of such a silly mistake.”

Not interested?

He called his provider. “When I called, they said I should have a missed call or a voicemail message, but I don’t have either.”

But what if she’s just not interested? ,,Then it stops, unfortunately”, Pieter responds. ,,Women, you don’t know, do you.” Pieter is hopeful of finding her: ,,It’s a small world. She is a gorgeous woman of 1.83 with dark blond hair, you don’t find that everywhere.”

Facebook message from Pieter in his search for the Rotterdam Blackbird. © Facebook
