Piet is 82 and still referees a football match every week: ‘Wonderful hobby’

Piet van Montfort from Luyksgestel is the Brabant contender for the title of ‘best unqualified referee’ in the Netherlands. At 82 years old, he is still on the field of VV De Raven in Luyksgestel every week. “There have been times when I wondered why I wanted to be on the green mat. But overall it’s a wonderful hobby.”

Everyone at De Raven knows Piet. Even when he walks on the street in Luyksgestel, many people approach him. “I like it when people call my name, even the young ones.”

Many of those young people have once had Piet as a referee at a football match. “I started a referee course around the age of 50. For years I whistled for the seniors, but that is no longer possible. I used to run the 100 meters in 11 seconds, but now I only run 11 meters,” he says, laughing. “Now I whistle for the youth on half a field.”

“There is often criticism of old referees that they do not leave the center circle. But we can be happy that they still want to whistle. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find referees, especially official ones. I predict that within the next five years, first team matches will be led by ‘home whistlers’. Although fortunately I see within our club that there are still young people who are interested in the refereeing profession.”

“I once witnessed a massive brawl.”

Piet is a busy owner at De Raven. He once played football there, he trained the youth there and he was chairman. Nowadays Piet is part of the handyman crew. “There is actually nothing I have never done at the club.” He sees whistling on Saturday mornings as one of the best things. “It is a collaboration between the referee, players, trainers and leaders. I often leave the field feeling happy.”

But he certainly did not always enjoy his hobby. “I once witnessed a massive brawl after a linesman tried to get back at a player who had headbutted him. When everyone had calmed down, I called both captains over and the rest of the match was played out quietly.”

But there is also shouting at the referee. “There are so many footballers who think they know better. If someone can express themselves in a reasonably decent way, I will speak to that person. But if I notice that they are becoming more aggressive, I don’t get into the discussion and I stay on top of it. I think I am clear as a referee, but others have to judge that.”

“At my age, exercise is a great privilege.”

Fortunately, the positive moments dominate. “You can do something for the club. You do your best to give everyone a nice sporting afternoon. And you’re also on the move. At my age I realize that exercise is a great privilege.”

With a huge lead, Piet de Brabant won in the ‘uncertified referees’ category. “I thought I was qualified because I have the right papers. But in recent years I have not been to meetings and I can no longer pass the Cooper test. People from the village helped me and I finally got 804 votes. The national winner will be announced on January 6, until then it will be exciting.”
