Picking mushrooms: what is allowed and what is not?

The combination of high temperature and a lot of rain has caused a mushroom explosion in the forest. It’s tempting, but picking is almost never allowed. In areas of state forest management, a small eye is turned, if you pick a small container for your own use, it is tolerated, says forester Rien de Vries.

Picking mushrooms is not always allowed – NH Nieuws

We spoke to the forester in the Elswout estate near Overveen, a special place when it comes to mushrooms. “Around six hundred different species grow in this forest, including a few very rare ones,” says a proud forest ranger Rien de Vries of Staatsbosbeheer. He also tells hikers to be careful when picking mushrooms. Mushroom picking is completely prohibited in the South Kennemerland National Park. But that does not apply to all areas of Staatsbosbeheer.

A little bit is allowed

If you are planning to pick mushrooms, you should be well informed about the rules in the area where you want to work. Signs at the entrances to the area usually indicate what is and what is not allowed. In many areas of Staatsbosbeheer the policy is that a small amount of picking, an amount of about 250 grams, is condoned. But for larger quantities you will be fined.

“Every year we come across hikers with boxes and baskets full of mushrooms,” says Rien de Vries. “Then they get a fine.” The amount of the fine is determined by the public prosecutor, but it can amount to several hundred euros.

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Mushroom picking: pay attention to the rules! – NH News

Furthermore, de Vries emphasizes that it is important in any case to adhere to the rules in the forest. For example, you must always stay on the paths and you are not allowed to go into the forest to look for mushrooms. “And if you do pick mushrooms, don’t pluck everything away and leave some, then there will also be something left for others to enjoy,” says forester de Vries.
