Physical education again at MBO institutions, colleges and universities | news item

News item | 14-01-2022 | 19:30

Students at MBO institutions, colleges and universities can receive physical education again. According to the OMT, this is responsible and also of great importance for the mental health and development of young people. A number of conditions apply, such as the use of face masks inside and outside the classrooms or lecture rooms and a maximum group size of 75 students. The urgent advice to use self-tests also remains in effect. This relaxation will come into effect on January 15. Educational institutions will be given the opportunity to arrange this in their educational programs from next week. The cabinet announced this during the press conference today.

A number of relaxations are being made in the current corona measures. The cabinet considers it important that education in MBO and higher education can take place physically again.

Minister Dijkgraaf: “Education has always had a high priority when considering the corona measures, because the negative effects of a lot of online studying on young people are significant – which was also apparent in the conversations I had with students last week. We have seen a lot of resilience from young people, but there is now also a limit. Despite the high number of infections, we are taking a number of measures to be able to provide physical education responsibly.”

Conditions for responsible physical education in MBO and higher education

Many educational institutions have planned the lectures in digital form for the coming period. That is why they only have to organize physical education from next week when this is practically possible. It is important that MBO institutions, colleges and universities adopt the following measures:

  • A maximum group size of 75 students in class or lecture rooms, with the exception of interim and final examinations;
  • Wearing face masks inside and outside the classrooms or lecture halls. The advice is not to wear homemade or fabric mouth caps, but disposable mouth caps, where type 2 is preferred;
  • The advice to use self-tests preventively and in case of complaints. Self-tests can be requested free of charge for students and teachers via, or to be collected from the educational institution;
  • Continue strict hygiene measures and follow the quarantine guidelines;
  • Follow walking routes in the buildings where available, so that contact is limited. In addition, keep the ventilation optimal.

It is also important to get the booster shot. In many places it is possible to do this without an appointment at the GGD. on you can see where you can get a shot quickly.

Primary and secondary education

In addition to the national measures, the current measures will remain in force in primary and secondary education. For example, pupils in groups 6, 7 and 8 of primary school, pupils in secondary (special) education and all teaching staff take a self-test twice a week. They also wear face masks in the hallways. In the classroom, as is now the case, this is not necessary.

In addition, the subsidy scheme for improving ventilation in schools (SUVIS) will be extended by three months. School boards can apply for a subsidy through their municipality until 30 April.


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