Physical activity: how to find motivation and beat laziness

If the goal of better health isn’t enough, here’s what can push even the less active to do sport. Research

Eugenio Spagnuolo

– Milan

Do physical activity regularly it is crucial for our health. The guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week. But how many people really respect these indications? In Italy, it is estimated that 34% of the population does not practice any physical activity. And the bad news is that appeals to health can do little: according to some research, much more is needed to motivate the lazy to move. But what?

sport and motivation

One study from a few years ago highlighted how informing people about the health benefits of physical activity is not always enough to motivate them. Instead, it’s essential to do something enjoyable while you train. Fun is a more effective factor in maintaining consistency in physical activity than motivation alone. And confirmation also comes from another more recent study, which discovered that even patients with heart failure they were less likely to exercise if they didn’t enjoy it, despite their doctor’s recommendations.

sport is satisfaction

According to the Australian researcher Matthew Bourke “If you can’t wait to do it, you’ll keep doing it.” So enjoying physical activity can help us be more consistent. AND there are various ways to make exercise more enjoyable: doing group activities, outdoors, encourage challenges and experience satisfaction. Being good at what you do also adds to the fun.

short and intense physical activity

However, for those who really don’t like any type of exercise, a solution could be to reduce the duration of training by focusing on intensity: with just 20 minutes of intense training 3 times a week you obtain benefits comparable to longer moderate sessions. Of course, the ideal is alternate different intensities. Those who really hate sweating, therefore, could focus on intense and shorter workouts. Just be careful not to overdo it: HIIT, if done poorly, can increase the risk of injuries and excessive stress.

question of habit

Another method to overcome the laziness is making physical activity a habit. Developing new habits is an art that relies on repetition. A classic example is washing your hands before sitting at the table: the action itself is the habit, while sitting at the table is the “stimulus” that triggers it. The same principle can apply to exercise. For example, we can choose to go for a walk immediately after breakfast. Over time, this association will become automatic to the point that, once the cereal is finished, it will be natural to put on sneakers. AND experiencing pleasure while exercising can speed up this process and “anchor” the habit. But the good news is that, with patience and consistency, according to psychologists it is possible to acquire a healthy routine even for activities that we don’t particularly enjoy.


In short, for overcome the lack of stimulus towards physical activity we have several available psychological tricks. Always keeping in mind that Exercise remains crucial to health, both physical and mental. According to AIRC data, physical inactivity would in fact contribute to the death of 4-5 million people every year in the worldor. And numerous studies show that moving less, even for just a year, worsens mood, stress and sleep. Conversely, more movement can also alleviate the symptoms of depression, anxiety and distress.
