Phrases about serenity: mental, heart, interior and couple

Lserenity must be achieved and it is not easy. In fact, we would all like to live peacefully but it is not always possible thanks to a hectic life which does not always help to have a calm and peaceful soul. Because of this adopting small measures to put into practice in everyday life can be helpful. The first? Try to face the days more calmly, thus changing approach. Then, to find serenity again, some phrases, said as mantras, can be of inspiration.

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Finding serenity again, how to do it in everyday life?

Finding your own inner peace, your own balance, your own serenity as many define it, is not easy. And especially a work that must be done on oneself, to avoid being overwhelmed from the anxiety and stress of these times. A useful exercise for everyone, even more so if you are experiencing a very complex moment in your life such as bereavement, betrayal or the end of an important relationship.

To achieve, or rediscover, your own serenity is therefore fundamental also learn to stop and above all to love yourself, taking care of ourselves, not only on a physical level but above all emotionally and mentally. For example, it is fundamental learn not to judge yourself, to accept even the most uncomfortable thoughts, without always repressing what you don’t like. This is why it is important establish and carry on a positive internal dialogue: Instead of asking yourself why things aren’t going well, turn the sentence around to asking yourself what you’re doing to take care of yourself. And one way to start doing that is don’t procrastinate anymore, don’t put off what you should do but start tackling situations before they get worse.

Another fundamental ally is time. Learn to manage it so carving it out for yourself helps personal gratification and finding a certain balance. It is in fact a way to reward yourself: dedicating yourself to activities that bring joy, stimulate interest and satisfy your interests is essential because it slowly changes your approach to life itself, also highlighting the positive aspects. It is therefore important to learn to congratulate yourself for every small success achieved: in fact, we are often focused on the great goals of life and you don’t notice the smaller but equally significant ones. Starting to give them importance is essentialallows you to recognize a sacrifice made and a goal achieved.

Learning to say no helps you be more calm

This is perhaps one of the hardest lessons to learn: knowing how to say no. The lack of serenity also comes from the fact that you always want to please other people, we put our own needs aside but also allow others to invade our spaces and our time. We need to learn to set limits for all of this.

Learning to say no, to point out when a person has exceeded a limit, to point out that one cannot or does not want to do something, it’s a way to give value to yourself while respecting your limits. Without leading to selfishness, saying “no” without fear of other people’s judgment and feelings of guilt helps much more than continuing to be compliant, as well as establishing relationships based on sincerity.

Phrases about serenity, to be repeated as a mantra throughout the day

It also helps repeat some phrases to yourself, like real mantras, to be said even daily or only in the most difficult moments. We have selected some of them:

For a peaceful mind, everything is possible -Meister Eckhart-

Remain calm, serene, always in control of yourself. Then you will discover how easy it is to get along -Paramahansa Yogananda-

To be peaceful, we need to know the limits of our possibilities, and love ourselves as we are -Romano Battaglia-

The secret of a peaceful life is contained in each of us, it does not depend on what surrounds us or on the events that involve us -Sergio Bambarén-

True love is neither physical nor romantic. True love is the acceptance of all that is, was, will be and will not be -Khalil Gibran-

He is happy, whether king or peasant, who finds peace in his home -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-

There is no friend like a sister, in calm times and in stormy ones -Christina Rossetti-

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference -Reinhold Niebuhr-

Boredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time, serenity is the feeling that nothing is -Thomas Szasz-

The gift of serenity is hidden in the heart of each of us -Paulo Coelho-

That exquisite composure of character that we call serenity is the ultimate lesson in culture, it is the flowering of life, the fruit of the soul -James Allen-

You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass -Timber Hawkeye-

Serenity is when what you say, what you think and what you do are in perfect harmony -Mahatma Gandhi-

