Photo of deceased child: ‘Gives a lot of support’ | 1Limburg

A photo of your deceased child can be very comforting. This also applies to Wetenaar Niek Gooren (37) and his fiancée Susanne Plugers. They are very happy with the photos of their deceased son, which were taken by the Make a Memory foundation.

Mathijs died just before he was born on December 20, 2016. “What would initially be the most beautiful day of my life turned into a nightmare,” says Niek.

“I remember that I was driving at the Leenderheide junction and that I heard that my son was dead. You still hope that this is a mistake and that when you get to the hospital, he is still alive.” Once in the hospital, that turns out not to be the case. “Someone in the hospital pointed my friend Suus (34) and me to the Make a Memory foundation,” says the Wetterenaar.

All alone
At the request of parents, this foundation takes photos of seriously ill, terminal and deceased children between the ages of 23 weeks and 17 years. “We are very happy and proud of the photos taken of Mathijs. We did not notice soon after the death of our son that people avoided us, because they did not know what to say. While we were happy to talk about it. make people aware of this,” explains Niek.

Photographer Johan Horst from Weert has already made about forty photo reports. He usually remains anonymous during his visits. “I come in, say my first name and find a quiet moment to take the pictures.”

That’s why Gooren decided to participate in the documentary Pride and Comfort about the foundation. The intention is to draw attention to the foundation with this documentary. “I think these photos are vital to get back on your feet and feel proud again.”

The documentary Pride and Troost is here to watch.
