Phoebe Philo’s first collection will be released on October 30th

British designer Phoebe Philo will launch her highly anticipated signature collection on October 30th, launching her official website.

The announcement was made via an email, obtained by FashionUnited, to subscribers and the press, which contained only the release date and a series of quick flashes of images of faces, plants, fingers and what appeared to be headlights.

Details about the collection and its offerings were not revealed, fueling anticipation among Philo’s loyal followers. In July, a waiting page was set up on the brand’s website to sign up for updates and news, hinting at the impending launch of Philo’s first collection under her own name.

Despite an empty Instagram account with no posts, she already has 266,000 followers, a testament to the ongoing enthusiasm and interest in her work in the fashion industry.

This translated and edited post previously appeared on
