Philips apnea replacement campaign is difficult

Philips’ replacement operation, in which old apnea devices are replaced by new ones, is proceeding extremely slowly. Philips cannot supply enough new devices, says medical device supplier Mediq.

“The supply of replacement equipment from Philips has become less certain. Despite Mediq’s repeated requests to Philips, we are currently receiving very limited supply of new equipment,” the company wrote. FD in an email to its customers who use an apnea device and do not yet have a new one.

Mediq is the main supplier of apnea devices to Dutch patients. 30 percent of the supplier’s patients have received a new or replacement device to date. 85,000 to 100,000 Philips devices against sleep apnea are in use in the Netherlands.

Replacement action
Apnea devices are used by people with sleeping problems. Air is blown in which prevents the breath from stopping. The sound-insulating foam could come loose on the appliances, which was a reason for a replacement action.

Earlier this week, Philips stated that the devices were less dangerous than thought. No hazardous substances were released by the crumbling foam. However, the recall continues.


Philips: ‘Sleep apnea devices less dangerous than thought’

Inspection: Philips falls short in apnea machine recall

Apnea sleepers want money from Philips, what’s going on?
